
Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 03/08/22

Happy Tuesday Morning! I hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather and had an opportunity to get outside and enjoy the sun over the weekend! I have a few important reminders/updates for today.  Please be sure to read through the entire Weekly Warrior. 1.  Starting over the weekend, into yesterday; we have a stomach bug going through our school.  […]

Weekly Warrior, 03/02/22

Happy Wednesday (I apologize I am a day late), Welcome to March!  I am hoping that we have turned a corner on cold weather, are putting winter in our rear-view mirror and looking forward to an amazing spring!! I have just a few updates/reminders for you this week: 1.  Please be sure to review the weekly newsletter for your child’s homeroom teacher.  He/She […]

Weekly Warrior, 02/23/22

Happy Wednesday! I hope that you all enjoyed a longer weekend with your children!!  It was nice to have a day to relax and have fun. Yesterday we had an awesome day here at Fell as we welcomed Mrs. Swartzfager, our new School Secretary, to the Fell Family!  Our students were absolutely adorable, as she and I went classroom […]

Weekly Warrior, 02/15/22

Happy Tuesday!   As always, we appreciate your efforts to make sure that our students were on virtually during our recent COVID closure!  Thank you for all you do to keep us open and moving in the right direction for our kids! Remember if your child is sick or is staying home due to illness, please be sure to let us, especially Mrs. Urzen know (BUrzen@fellcharter.com). […]

Weekly Warrior, 01/18/22

Happy Tuesday! ⛄ We are all looking forward to being back in school, in-person tomorrow! Please remember to monitor students for any symptoms 😷 that appear to be COVID related and reach out to your provider and then Mrs. Urzen, our School Nurse as soon as possible. I have just a few reminders for today: […]

Virtual Learning

From the Desk of Miss Walsh…. Dear Parents and Guardians, As of today, we have reached the recommended maximum number of identified positive COVID cases in our school. We therefore will begin virtual education starting tomorrow (Wednesday) for grades 1 through 8. Kindergarten families have received “Snow Packets” which you can begin tomorrow. We will […]

Weekly Warrior, 12/21/21

Happy Tuesday before the big day!!🌲 On behalf of all of us at Fell, including the Board; thank you for your trust in us and your willingness to make this a successful and healthy school year!🤗 As we close out the first half of the school year, we want to offer our thanks for the […]

Weekly Warrior, 12/14/21

🌲Happy Tuesday….only 12 days until Santa’s/Holiday Arrival….🌲 Thanks to Mrs. Youells for setting up last Friday’s Reindeer Games! The kids and staff had a fabulous time outside playing games and the weather really cooperated! Please be sure to see the pictures that teachers have sent to you in their newsletter.🤗 It is VERY COMMON over […]

Weekly Warrior, 12/07/21

Happy Tuesday! I would like to take space in this Weekly Warrior to say thank you!!🤗 Thank you to everyone for the donations of COVID supplies, we have put them to good use. We appreciate your generosity. Thank you to our parents/guardians who pick up students at the end of the day. We all appreciate […]

Weekly Warrior, 11/30/21

Good Tuesday! We had a great Turkey Trot today!  The Turkeys were in rare form dancing and singing! It was a good time and a great way to celebrate together outside!!  It was chilly but fun!!  Miss Jezuit will be posting pictures soon.🦃🦃🦃 I have a few items for you and listed below is also a note […]

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