Happy Tuesday! ⛄
We are all looking forward to being back in school, in-person tomorrow! Please remember to monitor students for any symptoms 😷 that appear to be COVID related and reach out to your provider and then Mrs. Urzen, our School Nurse as soon as possible.
I have just a few reminders for today:
1. As you know, Miss Jezuit’s last day with us will be this Friday. Let’s send her off in style! She loves bright colors and working at the bank she will now be around a lot of “green”. On Friday, let’s dress “snazzy”, “up”, “colorful” or in green to celebrate all that she has done for our school, our staff, our parents and most especially our students! We will miss her and wish her all the best in her new adventure!🍀
2. We are actively interviewing for a new School Secretary. We are looking for that person with a spark, someone who loves working with kids and a willingness to be able to do one million things all at the same time. Please hang in there with us as we transition to a new person and all that comes with that. I will let you know as soon as we find the right person for our Fell Family.
3. Please be sure that our students are wearing warmer clothes to school, especially our students who wait for a bus or van. Please be sure that students are wearing socks. If you need socks, scarfs, gloves or hats, please let me know.
4. Please stay vigilant to working with us to keep our students in school. Again, please consider limiting sleep overs, parties and other social gatherings where masks are not being worn or students are coming into contact with people who are COVID positive. Our case numbers need to stay low for us to stay in school. We really need your help (like we did last year) to keep us moving forward for a successful in-person school year!
Be well, stay warm and see you all tomorrow.
Miss Walsh