
Fell Charter School


SAP: Student Assistance Program

The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a state mandated program encompassing prevention, intervention, and monitoring.

The prevention aspect helps students learn to cope with life stressors that affect school performance.

The intervention aspect reaches students who may be “At Risk” as identified by observable behaviors that may include academic difficulty, absenteeism, lack of coping skills, inappropriate behavior, alcohol and other drugs, and/or violations of school policy.

Monitoring helps the student to maintain the balance needed for his/her academic success.

For further information regarding the Student Assistance Program and services, please contact the building principal.

SAT: Student Assistance Team

The SAT is comprised of various grade level teachers, a Curriculum Specialist, Special Education Teacher, related service staff (when appropriate) and the Principal (other professionals and/or parents/guardians are invited as needed).

The purpose of this innovative and pro-active team is to address goals to maximize the individual student’s successes in the classroom, while at the same time offering techniques to be used in the classroom to reach a student who may be in need of additional attention at this time.

This team also serves as a screening process for students who may/may not be in need of special education services.

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