
Fell Charter School

Virtual Learning, 01/27/22

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are once again faced with the need to go virtual for learning beginning tomorrow (Friday) the 28th, Monday the 31st and Tuesday the 1st.  As of right now, we will be back in the building for in person learning on Wednesday February 2nd.  If ANYTHING changes, I will let you know. Our numbers of positive COVID cases dictate that we move to virtual. We have consulted with our CDC rep to confirm.

Once again, I know that none of us are pleased with this option but it does at least keep our students engaged.

If your child has any odd/unusual medical symptoms that are not part of their normal routine, please do not send your child to school that day.  Please run those symptoms by your primary care physician and our School Nurse Mrs. Urzen (BUrzen@fellcharter.com) and then decide about a return to school.  The symptoms of this variant seem to be running the gamut, so caution makes the most prudent sense.

For grades 1 though 8, our students will log on as they did a few weeks ago and being their day online with their teacher(s), remember we start at 9:45 a.m. 

For our Kindergarten students, Mrs. Zakreski has prepared packets for those who pickup their child(ren) after school today. For those who cannot pick up today (I apologize for the short notice but we just received confirmation this morning) Mrs. Zakreski will scan you the information.  Please be sure to read the email from Mrs. Z, it has specific information regarding completion of the materials and setting up meetings with your child during virtual days.

Additionally for our students who receive speech services: Ms. Vieira will be emailing parents to offer a ZOOM session.  Please be sure to look for the email from Ms. Vieira.

If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Lastly, I know that this year is challenging with the variant effecting more children, but we can do this, we have done this and we will continue to make it work….we just have to hang in there!

Miss Walsh

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