
Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 03/14/24

Dear Parents and Guardians, Thank you for your patience and willingness to move to virtual today while the power was out here at school.  It appears that we will be all set for in-person school tomorrow.  The power is back on and we are getting the heat/water reset for tomorrow. Phones are still giving us a bit of […]

Weekly Warrior, 02/20/24

Happy Tuesday! I hope you all enjoyed a long weekend of sleeping later than usual and spending time together! This week, we are having our Warrior Night for students in grades K, 1 and 2. We are going to use the gym! Although the gym is not complete yet (HVAC installation) we are able to […]

Weekly Warrior, 12/12/23

Happy Cold Tuesday! Thank you for working with us yesterday on our first (and hopefully last) 2 hour delay!!Just a few reminders for this week: 1.  I post all weather related changes to WNEP TV 16, WYOU TV 22, WBRE TV 28, our Weekly Warrior list and Mrs. Swartzfgaer puts them on our REMIND app. 2.  Last week I was thrilled to report […]

Weekly Warrior, 12/05/23

Happy Tuesday! I am happy to report that we have all our students currently wearing winter coats!  Thank you for helping us all make our students warm and bundled up for the colder winter weather.  Please remember that if your child needs a hat, scarf, gloves or socks, please let me or Mrs. Urzen know. My reminders […]

Weekly Warrior 11/28/23

Happy Tuesday!Not counting today, we have 18 school days until our Holiday Break!  This year is flying by. Speaking of the holidays….on our school calendar, we set aside Wednesday December 13th as our annual Holiday Program. Since we cannot use the gym due to the fact that we are still under construction for our new HVAC system, Mrs. […]

Weekly Warrior 11/08/23

Happy Wednesday (I’m a day behind!), As we gear up for colder weather, please remember to have students wearing socks, appropriate shoes and clothing.  We do go outside for recess until the weather is too cold; we need our students to get some fresh air each day.  If you are in need of hats, scarfs, gloves, […]

Weekly Warrior, 10/31/23

What a fabulous parade we had!!!  Mrs. Swartzfager will be posting pictures and a video. Everyone looked adorable and we were all thrilled so see such a great turn out of spectators!!  THANK YOU!! I have a few reminders: Our one fundraiser ended today, but if you have an order, please get that to Mrs. Youells […]

Weekly Warrior, 10/17/23

Happy Tuesday! Tomorrow night we will have our first Warrior Night for this school year!  Students in grades 8, 6 and 2 are very excited to show you what they have been learning and the performances that they have prepared for you. I have important news about how we will be doing Warrior Night tomorrow night starting promptly at 6:00 p.m. […]

Weekly Warrior, 10/03/23

Happy Tuesday! I thought I’d share a few reminders about our Halloween parade and costumes for the 31st: Our tentative plan for the 31st is: students in all grades may come to school dressed in a SCHOOL APPROPRIATE costume. Please remember that we have little 5 and 6 year old students and this is their FIRST time in school […]

Weekly Warrior, 09/28/23

Happy Thursday! My apology for being 2 days late on this newsletter.  I wanted to collect a bit of data (items 1 and 4) before I sent this. Thank you to everyone who attended our Back to School Night last week!  We had a fabulous turn out.  We had about one third more people come out to […]

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