Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 06/07/22

Warriors, this is our last newsletter of the school year…we have ALMOST made it!!🏁
I have some end of the year housekeeping tips and some news on graduations; please take the time to read through this newsletter.
1.  Kindergarten Graduation is at maximum capacity.🎯 ONLY people who have tickets will be admitted to the event. There will be NO standing room for any additional guests. I am sorry but we are out of room.
2.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week are all 11:00 a.m. dismissals.😎
3.  Each homeroom teacher will be sending home to you tomorrow, his/her 🎨Summer Success Plan; be sure to look for those.  The children will have until September 16th to turn the work in for first quarter grades.

4.  We will have summer hours posted on the front door, as we have done in the past.  We are available via email, leave a phone message or feel free to leave any mail/documents in our mailbox out front.

5.  I want to thank you for working with us this year, especially as we opened our doors, once again, under COVID Guidelines.  Your willingness to trust us and to work with us made all the difference in days when things were challenging!  Thank you!🤗

6.  Later in the summer, I will send out some details about the start up for next school year.  For now, our calendar is posted to our website.

From all of us (Staff) and our School Board Members, have a safe, healthy and fun summer!

Miss Walsh

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