The 2022-2023 School Calendar is now available! See below for a list of dates, and a downloadable PDF version.
8/31 1st Day of School Grades 1-8 11am Dismissal, Q1 Starts
9/1-9/2 11am Dismissal
9/5 Closed Labor Day
9/6 1st day of kindergarten
9/6 11am Dismissal
9/7 Starts Full Day of School K-8 food service starts
9/20 Picture Day
9/21 Warrior Night 6pm
10/5 Title 1 Parent meeting 6pm
10/5 PSSP Sent home
10/7 11am Dismissal, Q2 Starts
10/10 No School Columbus Day
10/19 Warrior Night 6pm
10/31 Halloween Parade 9am
11/1 Picture Retake Day
11/4 Report Cards sent home
11/7 11am Dismissal
11/7 11:30-6pm Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/11 Veterans Day Activates
11/16 Warrior Night 6pm
11/21 Board Meeting 6pm
11/23 9am Turkey Trot
11/23 11am Dismissal
11/24-11/25 No School
11/28 School Resumes
12/7 Holiday Program 6pm
12/13 PSSP Sent Home
12/23 Grinch Event 9am
12/23 11am Dismissal
12/26-12/30 No School
01/02 School Resumes
1/13 11am Dismissal or Snow Day 1*
1/16 Closed MLK Jr. Day or Snow Day 2*
1/18 Warrior Night 6pm
2/15 Warrior Night 6pm
2/17 11am Dismissal
2/20 No School President Day or Snow Day 3*
2/27 Board Meeting 6pm
3/15 Warrior Night 6pm
3/29 Report Cards sent home
3/30 Q4 Starts
4/6 11am Dismissal
4/7 No School
4/10 School Resumes
4/19 Warrior Night 6pm
5/17 Warrior Night 6pm
5/26 11am Dismissal
5/29 No School Memorial Day
- End of year TBA
- TBD based on weather*