
Fell Charter School

Virtual Update, 01/13/22

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this email finds you and our child(ren) settling into virtual learning that is working!  Bugs always have to be worked out…but once we find our rhythm we seem to make the best of it; it is just the Fell way!!

Mrs. Urzen and I have been working with our Liaison at the Department of Health on where our positive COVID numbers are at and how we address those numbers.  Since we moved to virtual yesterday, we have had a small increase in reported positive COVID cases, therefore on the recommendation of the Department of Health and after great discussion and review of all data, we will need to remain virtual as planned for this Friday and we will also be virtual next Monday and Tuesday.  We will return to in-person learning on Wednesday the 19th. Mrs. Urzen has made contact with any family who we are aware of, who are COVID positive.

Believe me when I say that none of us are fond of switching to virtual learning. We KNOW that in-person learning is best for our students and that we need our students in school for many reasons; social relationships, food security, effective learning and just being in a “normal” school environment.  Please know that we do not make these decisions in a vacuum and we work to make sure that we are all safe.


**continue to monitor your child(ren) for symptoms, see the attached list from Mrs. Urzen, notify your medical provider and Mrs. Urzen immediately should symptoms begin. (BUrzen@fellcharter.com).

**wear masks and practice social distancing when out of your home environment, and at indoor public places regardless of vaccination status.**limit time spent with groups of people outside your home.

**reconsider postponing (for now) home parties and sleepovers.

**if you or your child has been exposed to a positive COVID case, please reach out to Mrs. Urzen BEFORE  your child returns to school.

** while we are virtual, please stay connected to Mrs. Urzen regarding illness and any follow up.

I will email you each day we are virtual, to let you know of any status change.  

We can do this!  We did this well last year and we can do this again.  We just need to stay vigilant, look out for each other and be prepared. 

Be well,

Miss Walsh

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