Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 09/17/24

Good Afternoon Fell Charter Community:The school year is off to a great start and the students have settled in wonderfully!  

The FCS Board recently made the decision to allow one clear backpack for each child for school use.  Attached below is a photo of the school-approved backpack students will be offered.  This will be the ONLY approved backpack at school.  No other backpacks/totes will be permitted for use at Fell Charter. The school remains grateful for your assistance and adherence to all school policies. 
The cost of the first backpack will be covered by the school.  Any subsequent backpacks must be purchased by families. 

When the backpacks arrive (around October), students who choose to use them will receive one in their homeroom.  Each child and family should mark their backpack with their initials/name for identification purposes.  

I wanted to remind the community that BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT is Wednesday, 9/18 from 6-7 p.m.  This is a great opportunity to meet the teachers and get to know the expectations and routines for the school year.  A reminder that this night is NOT for parent conferences or 1:1 conversations about individual students.  Opportunities for conferences will occur later in the school year.

I am attaching again the flyer for the Lyceum School for Performing and Visual Arts.  This is a great opportunity for students in grades 2-12!   

Thank you and we hope to see you tomorrow at 6 p.m.!  

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