Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 09/04/24

Good Afternoon Fell Community!  

I hope everyone had a restful Labor Day weekend!  We are very excited to be back in the swing of things at Fell Charter School!   Today was our first FULL DAY of school and so far it has been very successful!  

Thank you to all parents, teachers, staff, and community members for your support and involvement in making our start of the school year so smooth!  

I wanted to take a moment to send a community update with a few reminders.  

First, please take the time to read the important Attendance Letter.  Good school attendance is the most significant predictor of student success!  We ask all school community members to prioritize good attendance habits and punctuality throughout the school year.  Drop-off time is between 7:15 AM-7:45 AM each day.  For dismissal, we ask drivers not to arrive before 2:40 for the 3:10 PM dismissal.

Secondly, I wanted to remind all parents/guardians who drop off students to please drive around the parking lot upon entering and drop your student off curb-side at the front door.  We also ask all community members to be patient during dismissal and to refrain from driving away until a staff member has given the driver a “Thumbs up” signal.  This is to ensure the safety of the students and all community members.  

If you intend to pick your child up at ALL this year and have not already done so, please email Mrs. Swartzfager (jswartzfager@fellcharter.com) so she can create a family name placard to be placed in the front window of the vehicle.  This will allow FCS staff to easily identify the car and the appropriate student/rider(s).  

Finally, please find attached a flyer from Valley Bowling Lanes about a bowling program sponsored by the YMCA on Saturdays throughout the year.  

I hope you have a great week!  

Mr. Casey

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