
Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 04/30/24

Happy Tuesday!😎
I am happy to once again report that PSSA testing has been going very well.  We are close to the end and appreciate your working with us to make sure that our students are prepared to thrive!
I have a few updates/items for you today:

1. Dates for the end of the year activities:  *The last day for lunch being served is June 4th. *We have an 11:00 dismissal on June 5th, 6th and 7th.  The 7th will be our last day of school. *Kindergarten graduation is set for June 5th at 9:00 a.m. (more details to follow).* 8th grade graduation is set for June 6th at 6:00 p.m. (more details to follow).

2.  Once again I have attached the 2024-2025 dress code approved by the School Board. 

3.  Field Trips are moving along, remember those persimmon forms!

4.  As we get closer and closer to the end of the school year, please keep in mind that there are some great summer camps in our area for our students to attend/participate.  Many camps now require up-to-date physicals, so if you need paperwork please reach out to Nurse Bonnie (BUrzen@fellcharter.com)

5. A reminder that the Food Bank distribution went very well for our first time!   We are looking forward to our May distribution. We will send more information as we get closer, and there is still time for you to sign up.  Mrs. Swartzfager has the forms (JSwartzfager@fellcharter.com).  

We have a slight change in the Warrior Snack Pack: instead of being every Friday, it will now be the last Friday of the month and the first Friday of the month.  

Enjoy the sunshine and good vibes!
Miss Walsh

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