Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior 11/08/23

Happy Wednesday (I’m a day behind!),😁

As we gear up for colder weather, please remember to have students wearing socks, appropriate shoes and clothing.  We do go outside for recess until the weather is too cold; we need our students to get some fresh air each day.  If you are in need of hats, scarfs, gloves, socks, etc., please reach out to me or to our School Nurse, Bonnie Urzen (BUrzen@fellcharter.com); I am sure we will be able to help.

We are still selling raffle tickets for 2 Thanksgiving Food Baskets donated by our staff.  Raffle tickets are 25 cents each. Funds go toward Field Trips. Thank you as well, to our anonymous donor who gave us $20.00 toward the baskets!  
I have attached a coat drive notice to this email.  One of our parents gratefully shared this!  Thank you!

As a side note, on behalf of the staff and I, we are so grateful when anyone shares information with us (like the coat drive, funds, activities, etc.) that benefit our kids and our families!!!A few calendar reminders:

Friday the 10th is our day to celebrate our Veterans.  We have a few Veterans who have volunteered to stop in and visit our classrooms.  We are wearing red, white and blue to support all military branches.  Additionally we have collected TONS of goodies for our Veterans.  Our plan is to weigh everything this Friday, announce our classroom winner on Monday and get the goodies shipped out next week.  You have done an amazing job getting goodies and personal care needs to us to ship out (and deliver locally) to our Men and Women who support us every day.  WELL DONE WARRIOR FAMILIES!!

Look for report cards from our teachers.  The first quarter is done:)…it certainly flew by.

Pie orders for Thanksgiving are due to us by the 15th.

Warrior Night for grades K, 1 and 3 is sent for the 15th at 6:00 p.m.  Once again, we will be using space in our main building.  We will be asking you to move space to space to see all three grades perform.  The gym is under renovation for a new HVAC.  More details will be coming next week about Warrior Night.

November 22nd, we have an 11:00 dismissal.  

We are closed on the 23rd and 24th🦃

School is back in session on the 27th.
One important request:  PLEASE do not move the orange cones 🚫during the day.  We have students whose job it is to put the  cones out and take them down at the end of the day; they take this job very seriously.  If you or family members are arriving at school during the day, please park BEHIND the cones, please do NOT drive through the parking lot.  We have classes outside at various times during the day and we don’t want anyone hurt.  

Be well and have a great rest of your week!
Miss Walsh

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