
Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 03/02/22

Happy Wednesday (I apologize I am a day late),

Welcome to March!  I am hoping that we have turned a corner on cold weather, are putting winter in our rear-view mirror and looking forward to an amazing spring!!🌻

I have just a few updates/reminders for you this week:

1.  Please be sure to review the weekly newsletter for your child’s homeroom teacher.  He/She includes a great preview of the up-coming week.  There are usually some great pictures of our day(s) in the classroom(s), in the newsletters….lots of happy faces!

2.  A reminder that effective today we are mask optional, unless our transmission numbers change.  If our transmission numbers change, I will be sure to let you know.  Please stay vigilant with health and safety precautions.   It was a smooth transition today to our mask optional change.  We have about a 60/40 split.

3.  Thank you to our families (including Grandparents!) for the donations of wipes and other goodies!

4.  I have attached a flier to this newsletter regarding the opportunity for some of our students (Kindergarten through grade 8) to participate in football or cheerleading.

Have a great week!
Miss Walsh

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