Happy Tuesday!
Today I have only four items for you. They are important so please take a few moments to read through this Warrior.
1. ❄❄❄❄As we get closer and closer to the snowy weather, we have plans for Snow Days and Virtual Days. Last year, I heard you loud and clear that our students need a snow day as well as a virtual day. This year we will have both!
The boring answer, just so you have some background on why last year was a bit different: snow days and virtual days have to be submitted to the state (in August) for approval. This year we are ready to go with both snow days and virtual learning days. When we are having a SNOW DAY, meaning the students are not required to log into class, we will run on the TV stations, REMIND app, FaceBook and radios that we are CLOSED. CLOSED means the kids are free to sleep in, play in the snow and just have fun. ❄⛄
When the roads are impassable or we have to cancel in person school and do VIRTUAL learning (like we did last year), on the TV stations, the REMIND app, FaceBook and radios, we will be listed as VIRTUAL. Just like last year, VIRTUAL means students log in, attendance is taken, work will be assigned.📚📓
For Kindergarten Parents/Guardians, you will get a separate email note from me and Mrs. Zakreski about what your child’s day will look like for VIRTUAL.“SNOW DAY” is a day off from school. “VIRTUAL” is a day to log in and learn.
You will be getting more details from your child’s homeroom teacher in the next week, with details specific to his/her grade level.
2. Wednesday the 24th we have an 11:00 dismissal, we are closed on the 25th and 26th and we are back in school on the 29th.🦃🦃🦃
3. We are still doing the COVID pool testing each Tuesday here at school. 😷 Please remember that you can sign your child up at any time to participate in the testing, with Mrs. Urzen, our School Nurse. This testing procedure is a non-invasive nasal swab: this is a simple and easy test.
4. When picking up your student early from school, or for an appointment, please park behind the orange cones and come to the front door. We will escort your child out to you.
Have a great week!
Miss Walsh