
Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 10/26/21

Happy soggy Tuesday! 🌧

As we make our way through October, it is amazing to realize that as of today, we have been in school for 35 days!  Time is flying.  We are doing well with our COVID Plan and our students are settled in nicely and working diligently.  They are enjoying having opportunities for more projects than last year and for more opportunities to be outside and enjoying the fresh air.  Thank you for working with us to keep us all safe!

I have a few updates for you:

1.  Regarding the Parade: The weather forecast for Friday looks like showers.  We will hope that at least at 9:00a.m. we can get a good 20 minutes of good weather so we can do our parade. If we have to cancel we will send out a notice on our REMIND app. Fingers crossed!  Please remember that parking is a challenge. Masks that we wear in school each day need to be worn with the Halloween Costumes.  We all have an 11:00 dismissal on Friday.

2.  I am happy to let you know that we have welcomed back to Fell, Mrs. Ashley Youells.  Many of you and your children will remember Mrs. Youells, she was with us up until October of last year.  She started back with us yesterday in the role of Curriculum Coordinator.  She is thrilled to be back and was excited and grateful to see all the familiar faces of our students.  We all wish Mrs. Wagner, the very best as she pursues a different educational path.  Mrs. Wagner started with us as our Book Club Coordinator, moved to our Kindergarten classroom teacher position and then to Curriculum. She has been a strong advocate for our students and our staff. She did a wonderful job, we appreciate all that she has done with and for Fell and wish her all the best!

3.  Please remember that when you or a family member are dropping students off in the morning, please wait to get the thumbs up sign from one of our staff before you leave. We need to check each student’s temperatures to make sure that student is permitted to enter the school each day.  

4.  Chilly weather is upon us…which translates to possible inclement weather (snow, etc.) so please plan NOW with your child(ren) as to what steps need to be taken in the event of an early dismissal due to weather.  Please have a plan for where children will go, who they need to call when they get there, etc. It helps relieve stress on their part if you start to plan now for emergencies. Please be sure to sign up with Miss Jezuit on the REMIND app so that you know when we are making changes to the children’s schedule; she gets reminders out ASAP.  When poor weather causes us to dismiss early, we cannot have phone calls coming in at that point regarding making changes to transportation.  We need to keep the phone lines open for us to arrange for emergency transportation and for making notification to TV stations, etc.  Lastly, during a snow emergency our ability to regularly check our emails  diminishes.  We are making plans to get everyone home safely, getting students fed (if we can) and making sure that we have our emergency plans in place.  

5.  I want to once again thank so many of you for the donations of disinfecting wipes, baby wipes and hand sanitizers!  We appreciate everything you do to keep us healthy and safe.

6.  If you are still interested in having your child COVID tested weekly here at school, please be sure to reach out to Mrs. Urzen (BUrzen@fellcharter.com) to get registered. It seems like the kids like being part of the testing 🙂

Be well, stay safe!
Miss Walsh

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