
Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 09/28/21

Happy Tuesday!🌧

I have good news plus many updates.  Please take a few minutes to read through this Warrior.

First, the below picture of three of our third graders is a huge deal!🌞  We received a check from Weis Markets for $449.35….ALL due to you, our families signing up at Weis Markets to have a portion of your spending come back to the school.  Many of you signed up last year and we have reaped this benefit.  If you are interested in signing up you can go to weismarkets.com.  Once you shop and begin the checkout process, after signing up, you will be prompted to choose a school; Fell Charter please!! Thank you to everyone who shopped!!

Click here to view the yearly letters that I am required to send to Parents/Guardians to let you know that we are a School-wide Title 1 School.  In essence this means that ANY student who struggles with Math and/or Reading is provided support.  This is not the same as an IEP (re: special education).

Please remember that if your child is sick and you have him/her COVID tested, we will need a copy, picture, or notice of the negative test result before the child may return to the school. Most pediatricians are sending us (or giving to you to give to us) notices to identify other ailments that are not COVID related.  These documents are very helpful for us for our tracking and reporting purposes.

School picture proofs will be sent to the school and we will get them to you once we have them.

Fell Fridays for October:  1st: Dress like an Explorer Day, 8th: wear grey and blue day, 15th Celebrate the Forest Day, 22nd wear Orange Day.

Calendar reminders for October:  the 8th is an 11:00 dismissal for ALL students, we are closed on the 11th for Columbs Day and our goal is to have our annual Halloween Parade outside on the 29th.  As we get closer to the end of the month I will have more details for you on the parade and wearing of costumes to school.  We will be following very closely the plans from last year;  No halloween masks in school, regular COVID masks must be worn, costumes cannot be “flowing and cumbersome” so that they do not impact the space of the child they are sitting next to in class.  Again, as we get closer please keep in mind that we are still under our Health and Safety Plan.  We had a successful day last year and I am confident that working together that day will be happy for the students. We will have an 11:00 dismissal on the 29th for ALL students.

Drop off in the morning and pick up in the afternoon seems to be moving well.  Please remember to NOT exit the car when you are in the line.  PLEASE ask family members who do not receive this email to be aware of the fact that we need everyone to stay in the vehicle for safety.  Also please pull forward (past the flagpole) if your child is running late, so that other cars may go around you.

Stay safe, stay informed and thank you for working with us to keep school open by following the recommendations for safety!

Miss Walsh

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