Nurse's Office
Fell Charter’s School Nurse is responsible for for all student health information, including PA State-mandated screenings, immunization records, and health updates.
As a licensed medical professional, the School Nurse manages and dispenses any necessary student medications, per the School Medication Policy detailed below.
Necessary health & medical forms are available for download below. If you have any questions or concerns regarding student health, please do not hesitate to contact the School Nurse.
State of Pennsylvania Health Requirements:
- PA State Vaccine Requirements
- Physical exams – K/1st, 6th, and 11th grades
- Dental exams – K/1st, 3rd, and 7th grades
- Scoliosis exam – 6th and 7th grades
- Hearing screenings – K, 1st , 2nd, 3rd, 7th, and 11th grades
- Vision Screenings – All grade levels
- Growth Screenings- All grade levels
Health Policies
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Attached are the health forms required for each student. A copy of immunization dates, the Health Data Form, and the Emergency Contact Form must be presented at the time of registration. Please notify the Fell Charter School Nurse of any changes to this information that may occur during the school year.
A physical examination is a required Pennsylvania State mandate for students first entering school either in Kindergarten or first grade, and again in sixth grade. An examination done by the family physician within twelve months prior to the opening of school or during the school year will be accepted as the required examination and must be recorded on the enclosed physical form.
Our school health program also recommends regular dental examinations. Dental examinations are required for students first entering school either in Kindergarten or first grade, and also in third grade, and seventh grade. An examination done by a private dentist within twelve months prior to the opening of school or during the school year will be accepted as the required examination and must be recorded on the enclosed dental form.
All immunizations must be up-to-date. If the student is not current with his/her immunizations, he/she will not be admitted until they are updated. Please see the attached form for the current vaccine regulations. These requirements do allow for medical, religious, and moral/ethical exemptions.
If your child needs medication during school hours or has any other special health care needs, it is advisable to speak with the school nurse. Please refer to the medication policy forms in this packet. If your child is being treated for a chronic condition such as asthma or food allergies, an emergency action plan will be provided by the School Nurse to be completed by a physician.
Thank you for your cooperation and attention in completing these very important forms.
Please contact the School Nurse, Mrs. Urzen at, if you have any questions.
- The physician and parent/guardian must sign separate medication requests/consent forms for each prescription and nonprescription medications. Nonprescription medications include any over the counter (OTC) medications. Cough drops and throat lozenges will be dispensed to students at the discretion of the School Nurse. Students may not bring any OTC medications to school.
- A faxed order from the physician will be accepted. (570-282-0930)
- The form must include name of student, name of medication, dosage, route, time to be given, duration, and warnings/precautions/contradictions.
- All medication must be in the original container/package. Prescription medication must have a current prescription label attached, with the student’s name on the label.
- In accordance with the school’s drug policy, students may not carry medicine to school. The medication must be delivered by a responsible adult directly to the School Nurse. Principal, or Teacher. Parents/Guardians should make every effort to speak with the School Nurse about the medication.
- All medications must be kept in the custody of the School Nurse.
- In certain circumstances, students may carry their asthma medication on their person if the following criteria are met:
- The physician must indicate on the Physician Request Form that the student may carry the asthma medication on his/her person and that he/she has demonstrated the ability to self-administer the medication.
- The parent/guardian must indicate on the Parent Consent Form that the student may carry the medication on his/her person and that he/she is capable of self-administration.
- The student must demonstrate to the School Nurse that he/she uses proper technique when administering medication.
- The student must notify the School Nurse following each use of the asthma inhaler.
- If the asthma medication is made available to other children, the medication will be confiscated, parents/guardians will be notified and the handbook policies regarding distribution of drugs will be followed.
- With this self-administration of asthma medication policy, the Fell Charter School bears no responsibility for ensuring that the medication is taken.
- Medication requests must be renewed each school year and medication must be picked up tat the end of each school year or they will be disposed of 10 days after the last day of school.
*Fell Charter school is not responsible for injury/damages that result from the administration of medication in accordance with Parent/Guardian and Physician requests.