Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 03/11/25

Good Afternoon Warriors!

As you are aware, last week we celebrated Dr. Seuss Week.  I am attaching a few more photos below showing our middle schoolers paired up for Arts and Crafts with the elementary students.   What great teamwork and collaboration!!!  Thanks to our wonderful faculty and staff for preparing the program! 

Students are currently rehearsing for the Fell Charter Spring Musical, Aladdin, which will run on Saturday, April 12th at 6 PM at school.  Mark your calendars, it will be an awesome event not to be missed!!! 

The next Warrior Night will occur on Wednesday, 3/19.  The grades performing are Kindergarten, 1st, and 7th grade!

A reminder that the book fair will also be happening every day next week (3/17-3/21).  Mrs. Swartzfager has already been in touch about this and any questions can be addressed to her.  

The third quarter concludes on Friday, March 20th.  Report cards will be distributed on Friday, March 21st.  The school will be distributing report cards electronically ONLY from now on.  If parents/guardians would like a paper copy, please let me know via email and we will be happy to provide one. 

Please remember that the school is scheduled to lose power on March 19th from 9:30-12:30.   A letter was sent to all community members last week, which explains the situation and the details of our plan.

Have a great Week, Go Warriors!  

Mr. Casey

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