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Fell Charter School

Principal Update

Dear Fell Family,

I am pleased to share with you that we will be welcoming Mr. Tim Casey to the role of Principal at Fell Charter School on August 5th!

The Board Members, along with myself and members of our staff have had the opportunity to spend time with Mr. Casey and learn more about his leadership style, his passion for education, his willingness to go the “extra mile” for children and his openness to working with all of us, myself included, to learn more about Fell, our culture and who we are as a school family.

We will all work with Mr. Casey to transition him to this position.

I am confident that all of us welcoming him together, working together and continuing to make Fell our priority, will ensure a seamless transition. I am looking forward to working with Tim and to learning from his experiences. Mr. Casey was most recently the Principal at Nativity Miguel in Scranton and prior to that held the position of Dean of Students at Holy Redeemer High School in Wilkes Barre.

Mr. Casey will have a welcome letter out to you shortly after he settles in.

Be well and thank you for your patience and support while we worked through this process.

Effective August 5th, my email will remain the same and my title will be Academic Liaison to the Board.

Be well,

Miss Walsh