
Fell Charter School

Halloween Reminders, 10/30/23

Just a few important reminders for tomorrow:
1.  Please make sure that all costumes are school appropriate.

2.  We will start our parade at 9:00 a.m. WEATHER permitting.

3.  We have an 11:00 a.m. dismissal tomorrow.  Please be on time for pick up, because the staff and I have an important training we need to be a part of.

4.  If you are visiting for the parade, please stand on the sidewalk or behind the orange cones and please do not wear a mask/face covering.

5.  Parking is always tight. Please consider carpooling, and please remember that we need to keep an open path in the driveway for emergency vehicles.

Thank you for helping to keep us all happy and safe tomorrow!
Miss Walsh

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