Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 10/17/23

Happy Tuesday!🌅

Tomorrow night we will have our first Warrior Night for this school year!  Students in grades 8, 6 and 2 are very excited to show you what they have been learning and the performances that they have prepared for you.

I have important news about how we will be doing Warrior Night tomorrow night starting promptly at 6:00 p.m.

Our gym will not be used. In anticipation of the work being done in our gym, for the new HVAC installation, we have set up each grade to perform in their classroom, therefore we will need everyone to please participate in the following way:

1.  When entering the building at the front door, you will be given a ticket with one number on it.  You will get 8, 6 or 2.  Depending on the number you receive, please go to THAT homeroom first.  You will start in that room first.  

2.  We will announce when it is time to move. We will announce where you go next (based on your original number)  Please stay with your group.

3. By the end of the night you will have had the opportunity to see all three performances.
We have prepared the groups based on the numbers that we can accommodate in the classrooms.  I ask that you be patient, this plan is necessary so our students can be seen, heard and appreciated.  Once our gym is complete, we will go back to Warrior Nights as usual. 

I ask that if you have a young child(ren) who might normally be in a stroller, please leave the stroller on our first floor, so that we can have safe access in and out the second floor classrooms and make enough space for everyone.

On the way out, Mrs. Swartzfager will have some Fell Swag on sale: t-shirts, sweatpants, water bottles, etc.😉

We look forward to seeing you. 

Be well, Miss Walsh

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