Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 09/12/23

Please take the time to read this entire Weekly Warrior and note the attached pictures. Feel free to share this information with any family or friends who are involved in drop off/pick up of your child(ren). Additionally I have tried to clarify school dress code and other policies.

We had a great start to the school year!  Thank you for working with us as we navigated some longer car lines in the morning and the afternoon…your patience really helped out. I believe that we are into a good routine and traffic is moving much more smoothly. 

Our students are once again enjoying free breakfast and lunches each day.  I encourage you to remind your child that breakfast is a great way to start their day.  Lunch is delicious and the majority of our students eat and enjoy them.  

Our goals with the policies in our Student Handbook  are for consistency and safety.

1.  If you are arriving after school has started to drop off your child(ren), please park BEHIND the orange cones and walk your child into the office.  Please DO NOT move the orange cones. They are put up each morning, by two very dedicated students, to stop traffic from entering our parking lot where your children have recess

2.  If you are picking up a child(ren) before school ends, please park BEHIND the orange cones and walk in.  Please DO NOT move the orange cones. They are taken down each afternoon, by two very dedicated students, to stop traffic from entering our parking lot where your children have recess

3.  Please let our students who are car riders enter your car from our curbside.  Please help our little people learn how to buckle themselves in; this is a necessary life skill as well.  We are asking that students not enter your vehicle from the driver’s side.  We don’t want children walking between cars; we are trying to mitigate the potential for an accident.

4.  RE: Dress code.  Biker shorts, leggins/stretch pants and short shorts are not permitted clothing in school.  Shorts and skirts must be within one inch of the knee.  I have attached three pictures of items that are not acceptable dress wear in school. The pictures are generic in nature, but I hope they help clarify our dress code.  We do not have a uniform, but we do have a dress code.

5.  Please provide students with clear water bottles.  We have FCS water bottles on our website which can be purchased.  The bottle needs to be clear.  As part of our safety plan, we need to be able to see into the bottle. I have attached water bottles that are not acceptable in school.  These are generic pictures but  it should help to clarify what is not acceptable.  I have also attached a picture of the water bottles that are available on our website; they look, in this picture white, but they are clear.

As always, we appreciate you trusting the education of your child(ren) to us at Fell Charter!  

Be well, Miss Walsh

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