Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 12/07/21

Happy Tuesday!

I would like to take space in this Weekly Warrior to say thank you!!🤗

Thank you to everyone for the donations of COVID supplies, we have put them to good use. We appreciate your generosity.

Thank you to our parents/guardians who pick up students at the end of the day. We all appreciate your taking my call for assistance seriously. With more parents/guardians arriving from 3:10 on, dismissal is going smoothly and NO ONE is hanging out of our parking lot onto Rt. 171; we are avoiding accidents! Please continue to ask those family members who are picking up to continue to arrive from 3:10 p.m. on.

Thank you again to Justin Podunajec for getting the school signs posted along Rt. 171, it had been a long time coming! We are all safer for his efforts.

Thank you to all the families who have been and continue to work with us on COVID testing and connecting us to your pediatricians. It makes my job, and Mrs. Urzen’s job easier when we have open lines of communication and we are all working together.

Lastly, thank you for working with us, as Mrs. Urzen and I, along with our COVID Liaisons make real-time decisions about keeping our school community safe. Making decisions in real-time is challenging, but your support of our decisions has been very much appreciated.

Be well, and stay safe!
Miss Walsh

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