
Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 07/28/21

Happy Tuesday!🤗

As I write this, the CDC has just come out with new recommendations…so please hang tight with us as we get closer and closer to the beginning of school and plan appropriately. I am confident that as we get closer and closer to schools opening, data from the CDC and possibly PDE may become more rigorous. As I said many times last year, we need patience and to keep our focus on our students being in school and being educated!👍

1.  Our COVID team will make their final in school recommendations this week and will seek approval from the School Board. We are cognizant of the data around us; looking at different counties that feed into Fell, CDC recommendations, local recommendations and using our best experience after having had a successful school year for 20-21.  As is always the case, our goals are the safety of the students, staff and families; those families include those who we go home to at the end of the day. Once the final plan has been approved, I will notify you and it will be fully posted to our website.

2.  I can tell a few items that may help as you plan for a return to school in September: a).  We will be serving breakfast again, it will continue to be a “grab & go” and the children will eat those in the classroom with their peers and their teacher. Breakfast is no cost to any student.  b).  We will still be offering lunch.  Students will have an opportunity to order lunch each day as usual, (the menu will be posted on our website for each month) and we are working on where students will eat.  We are proposing that we start in the classrooms (as we did last year) and then begin to schedule each class time to eat in the cafeteria. More to come on this. c). I have attached to this Newsletter the supply list for the school.  Please purchase and send in only those items on the list.  As we need more, run out or change the plan, I will notify you. In August, each homeroom teacher will also send you a reminder note with the supply list attached again.  d).  We will be recommending that we not use backpacks, at least for the first quarter.  e). Be sure to be familiar with the Student Handbook for items such as (but not limited to);  shorts need to be 1 inch from the knee, all shoes needs to have fronts and backs on them (no flip flops), hair dyes from the summer must be completely out by the start of school, hoodies and jackets are not worn in class, water bottles need to be clear (not frosted, not colored, etc.), only water in the bottles and school doors open at 7:15 a.m.

3.  Please be sure that all transportation requests are to Miss Jillian Jezuit (JJezuit@fellcharter.com) so that we can be assured that each child has a ride to and from school on the first day.  When I learn more about expectations on the vehicles for transportation (masks, etc.) I will share that with you.

4.  Remember to take a look at our calendar on the website for start dates and dismissal times for the first week.

5.  Be sure to enjoy the summertime, have fun with the kids and stay safe!

Always more to come, 
Miss Walsh👓

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