Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 09/19/23

Happy Tuesday!🌸

We are off and running, and the kids have kicked back into school mode!  Thank you for all your help getting them off on the right foot for this school year.

I have just a few updates and reminders this week.

We you know, we had to cancel our School Picture Day today with Lifetouch.  Due to staffing issues they were not able to work with us this fall.  We have contracted with Erika Dolph, a local photographer to take care of fall school pictures.  We are very grateful to her for stepping in to help us out.  I think you will be pleased with the packages she has to offer, as well as the prices.  We have set October 17th as Fall Picture Day. Mrs. Swartzfager and I will be sending out additional information as we get closer to this date.  I am sorry for the dealy, and am grateful to Ms. Dolph and I appreciate your patience as we navigate a new path.

We have once again signed up for Weis Rewards (at local Weis Stores).  At check out you may be asked if you would like to assign a portion of your spending to Fell Charter School.  Your “donation” is not any additional funds on your bill.  Weis takes a portion of all spending and gives back to Fell.  Each year any money we get goes toward defraying the costs of field trips. Please consider saying “Yes” when asked to assign the funds to fell.  Also, please encourage family members to “Yes” as well. 

We are very excited about our first Back to School night in a long time due to previous health code restrictions.  Our goal is for your child(ren) to be your personal tour guide.  We encourage you to let him/her show the classroom and spaces that are important to him/her.  The teachers will be in the classroom(s) so that you can meet and say hello. This night is not planned to be a parent/teacher conference style night.  We encourage all parents/guardians to meet the teacher(s) but to really focus on where your child would like to lead you.

I also ask that if you are ill, please skip attending tomorrow night.  I also encourage anyone who is not feeling their best or may need to wear a mask, please do so.  Our goal is to keep everyone healthy!

I also have a favor to ask about pickup in the afternoon.  Please share this with any family members who pick up your child(ren) as well.  We strongly encourage no one to arrive on the property until 3:00 p.m.  We still have classes outside up until that time for outdoor activities and learning.  

Please remember to always park behind the orange cones (we have added more) when you are arriving at school, while school is in session.  Please do not move the cones and drive through, again we have children outside at various times of the day.

A reminder about our dismissal process for the safety of or children and our staff who are outside:  The vans pull up first and our children get in the vans.  The vans pull out in single file.  Our bus pulls up second.  Any cars behind the bus should be single file and stay single file at all times.  Unless you are directed by staff outside, no one should be driving around cars that children are getting into.  Speed in the dismissal line should be an absolute crawl.

If your child is, as of yet, unable to enter and exit a vehicle from the curb side, I ask that you consider arriving at the end of the dismissal line.  When we having parents/guardians stepping out to assist children into the car, it has been creating unsafe conditions for children who are then walking between cars versus staying and enter the car from the curbside.  This process is also holding up the car line, and then we are experiencing drivers who are then going around the cars which our students are entering.

It is our goal that our students, and our staff stay safe.  We can only make this process work with your help.

If you have any questions please ask me, I am out there everyday, call me or email me.  It is imperative that we are all on the same page to ensure a smooth and safe dismissal.

Be well, and thank you for entrusting your child to our care each day!

Miss Walsh 

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