Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 09/14/21

Happy Tuesday!💫

We are up and running and so far so good! 👍 Let’s keep on top of our health and safety by keeping an eye on our students to make sure they are feeling well and thriving in school.  We will continue with our comprehensive health and safety plan here at school and you keep up the strategies at home; we should have a successful, productive and fun school year!

Thank you to all of you who have donated to the classroom supply list, as well as adding many items to our school supply of materials.  I appreciate all the donations, and please know that it will all be put to good use!🎒

Thank you as well to all of our parents who pick up at the end of the day.  Our first two days were a bit challenging (to say the least) but things are moving better now.  Once our students and staff had a day or two to get the new system down, we worked miracles. By day three we shaved 17 minutes off of dismissal!  Please be patient, pull down to the car in front of you as close as possible and please do not exit the vehicle at any time.  I don’t want anyone hurt by moving cars or in the event that an emergency vehicle would enter the parking lot.

I have just a few reminders:
1.  I have attached a sample letter that is sent to parents/guardians when students are absent more than 3 days.  Please review this sample letter so that we are all on the same page.  Please remember that positive attendance is one of the top three ways for students to succeed in school (parental involvement and nutritious, balanced daily meal plans are also key!).

2.  Starting this year we will be celebrating FELL FRIDAYS! 💑 Each Friday we will have a theme that every student can participate in.  This Friday the 17th is wear your favorite shoes day (please be sure to comply with the Handbook).  Friday the 24th is wear solid colors day.  This is just a fun way to celebrate the uniqueness of our Fell Students and Staff!  Participation is not mandatory.

3.  Lastly, Penn State is conducting a study on the home environment and is looking for volunteers.  Fell is in no way connected with the study, we are just sharing information.  Please see the attached flier.

Be well, stay safe and thank you for a great start to the school year!!!
Miss Walsh

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