Fell Charter School

Weekly Warrior, 09/28/23

Happy Thursday!🌳

My apology for being 2 days late on this newsletter.  I wanted to collect a bit of data (items 1 and 4) before I sent this.

Thank you to everyone who attended our Back to School Night last week!  We had a fabulous turn out.  We had about one third more people come out to visit, than we had in 2020 (pre-Covid)!!  It was so nice to see everyone and get a chance to chat, see the school and meet the teachers!

Thank you to those who have begun to park behind the orange cones when dropping off late or picking up early.  This is an important safety issue and we are all grateful that you are making strides in keeping the parking lot safe for our children. Please continue to do this all year.

Today we have the Canine Officers from Carbondale and Waverly Township coming to help our students learn more about local canine policing for safety.  In the past, the Canine Officers have been really well received by our students. A huge thank you to Mrs. Swartzfager for setting this up each year.  Our students learn a great deal about safety, how to approach animals and just exactly what the role is of a Canine Officer.  We will post pictures on our FaceBook page later today.

For our families whose children are not yet able to exit or enter a vehicle on their own: I strongly encourage you to help our little people learn this life skill.  Buckling and buckling are a big part of independence and safety.  If your child is not yet able to do this skill independently, I ask that you arrive at dismissal (this is where the most safety issues are arising; with cars moving around parked cars) later and be the last car to pick up.

Next week I will have information about appropriate Halloween costumes and details for the day, October 31. Our parade is scheduled outdoors, as long as the weather permits.  We will start the parade at approximately 9:00 a.m. through our parking lot. Parking is limited and ticketing for parking on Main Street does happen.  I recommend car pooling for the event.  Remember too that a clear path into and out of our driveway must be maintained for fire, ambulance and EMT in the event of an emergency.

Lastly, we have an 11:00 dismissal on Friday the 6th and no school on Monday the 9th.

Be well and thank you for all you do to make Fell Charter such a great school, 
Miss Walsh

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