Weekly Warrior, 10/10/23
Happy Tuesday! I have attached a picture of our Red Ticket Award Winners for the month of September. We held our Awards Assembly on Friday. The students who earned Red Tickets the month of September were honored! There is plenty of kindness and goodness going on here at Fell! Picture Day has been reset for Tuesday, October 17th. […]
Weekly Warrior, 10/05/21
Happy Tuesday!🌞 I want to thank all the parents/guardians who signed up for the in-school GinkGo Bioworks COVID Testing. As Mrs. Urzen, R.N., noted, this is just another layer in our ongoing effort to keep students, staff and families protected from the spread of COVID. 😷 If you would still like to sign up, please be sure to forward the forms to Mrs. Urzen […]
First Day of School!
Good Morning! Our first day of school is off and running and going well!🌟👏I have just a few important reminders for you: 1. Please remember that today is an 11:00 a.m. dismissal for all students. 2. Tomorrow is a full day of school. 3. Food service starts tomorrow. Tomorrow is pizza!!🍕 Any student who is bringing in lunch; remember that it all must be disposable. 4. […]
Urgent Update, 08/30/21
Dear Parents and Guardians, IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE START OF SCHOOL Over the weekend, we developed an HVAC System issue that is impacting our ability to open school on time. My apologies for the short notice, but we were just able to develop a correction plan today. We are canceling classes this Wednesday, (September 1st), Thursday (September 2nd) and Friday (September 3rd) due to the HVAC problem. We will not have the technological and electronic supports in place to operate the school until next Tuesday the 7th. […]
2021-2022 Academic Calendar
The 2021-2022 Academic Calendar is now available! Check out our Calendar page to view the schedule for the upcoming school year. You can also download a copy from that page. We look forward to seeing all of you in September for the new school year!
Ms Vaughn’s 6th Grade 2020-2021
Check out Ms Vaughn’s 6th grade end-of-year video, and see what her class accomplished during the 2020-2021 school year! https://fellcharter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/6th_grade-2020-2021.webm
Ms Stevens’ 7th Grade 2020-2021
Check out Ms Stevens’ 7th grade end-of-year video, and see what her class accomplished during the 2020-2021 school year! https://fellcharter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/7th_grade_2020-2021.mp4
Ms Evan’s 1st Grade 2020-2021
Check out Ms Evans’s 1st grade end-of-year video, and see what her class accomplished during the 2020-2021 school year! https://fellcharter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/1st_grade_2020-2021.mp4
Ms Schmidt’s 5th Grade 2020-2021
Check out Ms Schmidt’s 5th grade end-of-year video, and see what her class accomplished during the 2020-2021 school year! https://fellcharter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/5th-video-2020-2021.mov
Ms Talarico’s 4th Grade 2020-2021
Check out Ms Talarico’s 4th grade end-of-year video, and see what her class accomplished during the 2020-2021 school year! https://fellcharter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/4th-Grade-End-of-the-Year.mp4